Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Live. Laugh. Love

Check it out...He DOES smile! I was beginning to think he was so serious. He always means business. sleep business. poop business. Serious stuff there. But hey! Landon is living LAUGHING and we are loving it! Also please note: my baby is wearing (loosley) size 3 Months now!! And at his weight check yesterday, he had gained 1 pound in a week. We have ourselves a chunk here. The dr is very pleased with him.

On another note: Yesterday was also his foot dr appt for cast #5. This casting process has been flying by! Before we know it he will be running and playing ball. Anyway, yesterday consisted of cast #4 OFF, xrays (in which he bawled...sad), sizing for his Ponseti Shoes and finally a big bottle to drink while they put cast #5 on. He does great with getting the cast off and on. His dr determined from the xrays that his foot is correcting so well that we don't need to have the heel nick surgery next week. yay! However if in a few months his foot is still a little tight, they will do it. But for now...Yay! I hope you are enjoying watching the process of his foot like we are. Amazing what dr's can do. They are my heroes!


  1. He is such a handsome little man!!! Such a sweet little smile!

  2. Thanks! He's just learning to smile and laugh and it's so much fun! LOVE IT
