Friday, March 18, 2011


Bronchio...? No not bronchitis (phew!) but Bronchiolitis which is common for 3 month baby boys in daycare. Go figure! His symptoms included coughing, vomiting, lesser of an appetite, and stuffy nose. However he has not had a fever. Thankful for that! He still smiles and is very alert. He seems worse in the night, like most colds. We went to the doctor after the 4th day of coughing and occasional vomiting. He was given an inhaler with this tube attachment that goes over his face. He HATES it. Poor guy. But he has to take it every 4-6 hours until he is better. The inhaler helps loosen the airways and get that junk out of there that is making him wheezy.

Last Monday was the first experience with the vomit. It freaked me out! I thought we were in for just a little spit up. So after cleaning the entire kitchen, me and Landon, I called his daycare and told her we were having a rest day at home. He slept 5 hours total from 7am till 3pm. That's a TON for him. So I thought he was just in a growth spurt and maybe didn't like his milk that morning. I didn't think much of it and took him back to daycare Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday was when we noticed the coughing. It became more frequent and more violent. We decided to keep him home Thursday which was pretty convenient for my husband who quickly volunteered to come home from work to watch him while I go to work. Little did I know that Kentucky was playing that day so he was stoked to be home and watch March Madness with our little sick guy. Thursday night the coughing was worse. It was so violent sounding. The kind that burns your throat every time. fever! So I called his doctor Friday morning and got an appt to come in. That's where we learned 2 things....he has Bronchiolitis and he is 13 lbs 4 oz! Big boy he is!!! Last night (Friday night) it took us 45 minutes to get him to sleep of which included passing him off to each other twice because neither of us could get him to calm down, lots of attempts for him to eat...most rejected, and a swaddle put on, taken off and put back on. It was the sound of the ocean on my husband's phone that finally calmed him down and put him to sleep. Why didn't we think of that before?? He slept till 1am which is record for him this week! At 1 we had to give him the dreaded inhaler. I feel like I'm suffocating him or giving him sleeping's not fun at all! Then came 3am when it was my husband's turn to feed (attempt) and rock the baby back to sleep. I was enjoying my moment of sleeping when I hear through the monitors "help!!......Kendra help!" ok give me more than 10 seconds to get up and get my drousy butt down the hall before you keep yelling for help. Anyway, Landon had thrown up again and it was a middle of the night strip the baby down, wipe him down and get him changed kinda thing. Not fun when you are half asleep. So today we spent the morning cleaning ALL the bed sheets, laundry, boiling/sanitizing all his paci's and cleaning everything to try and get these bronchio germs outta here. Not to mention we both woke with sore throats so it was an early morn trip to the store for Zycam. We have to be 100% for Texas this week! Yeehaw!


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