Oh the sweet 3rd trimester...sweet? well...something like that. The aniticipation of meeting this little guy who had been the root of all heartburn and swollen feet was building by the day. We spent the 3rd trimester nestling into the new home and making sure we knew how to install the carseat.
My dad came for Thanksgiving and stayed until landon was born. He was due on Dec 6th however chose to be 10 days late! I was beginning to lose hope that this child would ever come out of me. I became so used to the woes on my body and the contractions that were not happening that I began to think the pregnancy was all in my head :) Dr visit after dr visit I was not progressing towards labor. Finally my dr decided to put me on the calendar to be induced. I was scared because of the stories I had heard about Pitocin but I was also so happy to have a set date in my mind that Landon would be here by.
Bless his little heart, he went all the way till the induction date. On Dec 15th I checked into the hospital and got all setup on my IV and hospital food. My dr started me on a little pill that is designed to get your cervix to ripen. By 3:30am I had started going into labor! From 3:30am until 12pm I di every tactic I could think of to stay comfortable and positive....yoga ball, hot tub, laying in different positions, pain meds in my IV....all of it. Finally the God-sent hour of noon arrived and I was dialated enough to get my epidural. Praise to the epidural! It was incredible and I was able to relax and prepare for what was to come. 7pm hit and I was in full swing of getting Landon out. 2 hours later my dr came in ready to deliver and Landon decides now is the time to speed things up. After 41.5 weeks of feeling like he would never come, he flew out before the dr could put on her gloves! What an overwhelming feeling. We laughed and we cried and we sat in awe. He was perfect at 8lbs 9oz and 21" long.
Every family has their story and their journey. Our first journey as a family (besides learning what in the world to do to stop this kid from crying!) is to fix the club foot he was born with. It's going to be a couple years to get through this journey but it will be our story forever. Landon's right foot was a little clubby at birth. By the time he was 2 weeks old we had him in his first baby cast. Oh man did mama cry seeing my 11 day old baby in a cast to his hip. Landon is a champ. He is now on his 3rd cast and has not paid a care to it since. He gets a new cast every week for 6 weeks and then he gets to wear a Ponseti shoe brace for 3 months straight followed by 2-3 years of wearing it to bed. Although this is not how we pictured the first few years of life to go, it's our journey and I plan to capture every memory I can with it so that when Landon is older we can show him how strong he was as a baby.
Today Landon is 1 month and 3 days old. I feel like he is 6 months old! He already has quite the personality. He loves to be swung in daddy's football hold, eat till he's in a food coma, keep his hands near his face when he sleeps and play on his activity mat. And by play, I mean stare at the hanging butterflies...eh it's easy entertainment. He hates the end of a bath, getting his diaper changed when he wakes up, putting clothes on and being passed around when he is trying to sleep.
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