Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We're Expecting!

Hooray! We're going to have a little baby Perry. One of the first questions people ask is "was it planned?" and to answer your question...KINDA. We both knew we wanted kids and were feeling comfortable with having a baby. However, we did not anticipate it happening so soon. But we are just as excited now as we would be a year from now.

Due Date (According to the online "
DUE DATE CALCULATOR") is DECEMBER 6Th! Those calculators remind me of those cheesy magazine quizzes to see if the guy you like...likes you back! But hey, I can't wait to have a holiday baby! I'm thinking I need to get the baby something like this for the festivities:

...OK maybe not the frosty. Perhaps this...

We told our family and friends the news over Easter weekend. And of course in the back of my mind is "Just get through this 1st trimester!" I get so paranoid about things so by nature, I'm terrified of losing the baby. I know it's all in God's hands and I am doing what I can to eat healthy, drink lots of water, walk more and try and sleep through the night...which has been unsuccessful in the sleep dept.

It's unreal..feeling pregnant right now. I can't wait till I can see the baby on the monitors and feel the baby moving around! What a little bundle of joy this baby will be.

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