Monday, August 16, 2010

Belly Shots

Here's some belly shots of the last 2 weeks. We are working on more nursery projects that I want to share with you but until's the most recent belly poppin pictures.

Week 23

Week 24

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week 22

The last time we met, I still didn't know the gender of our baby....But as you all know by's a BOY! And his name is LANDON CALVIN. Hooray! The ultrasound was incredible. So what if I didn't know what exactly I was looking at the entire time...I knew I was looking at my son. As of the last week or so I have been able to feel him move. People kept telling me it will feel like butterflies....How nice and pretty that sounds. Well mine feel more like a bubbling tummy...not as attractive sounding. But nonetheless, we all know that feeling him move is the best feeling. At least you know he is moving right? So we have another dr appt and another ultrasound tomorrow. Landon was a little stubborn at the last visit and the dr was not able to get all the measurements she needed so she is going to try again tomorrow. He is much bigger now which makes for an excited momma!

I have OFFICIALLY moved past the sickness and having to take the nausea pills. Yay! Now I feel like I'm checking myself out in every mirror or piece of glass I walk by to see if my tummy has grown any since the last time I looked at myself in the reflection. It's really hard to see the progress in my belly. I know it's growing but I also feel like it's staying the same size day in and day out. Today as I was standing in the shower, I realized....I can't see my toes unless I back by booty up a little. when can I start asking my hubby to paint those toes for me?

Some belly shots for you
Week 21

Week 22

A few weeks ago Brent won a Nordstrom gift card...holla! So I did a little damage in a store that I typically pass up. The best part....besides new shoes...was my new diaper bag! I scored a 2010 winter collection Petunia Picklebottom bag. It's gorgeous!

As you can see here, I'm anxious to start using it...

Like that Landon sign? It's 6' long! and it's our first project for his room. We're pretty proud. Now Brent wants to make more Landon signs. haha not sure how many we can have but I think he's more into going in business for name sign making. He's funny.

Friday, July 9, 2010

18 weeks and 4 days

Today is the big day! Boy....or Girl?? Lame of me to make a 4pm appointment though. I tell ya! Been waiting for months and then I make the last appt of the day so I just sit here and wait...and wait...all day long! What was I thinking? I should have been there at sun up ready to show me that baby! I told the baby this morning to spread those legs! We need to see your stuff. Today is not the day to be bashful...mama needs to know what you are! I'm trying to convince Brent to participate in a fun way of telling my family back home what the gender far he just says (in a very monotone voice) "sure." I'm trying to capture memories here and have a little fun and he says "sure." Well he also knows we'll do it regardless of "sure." As Bill Engvall says "she wins because she has boobs!" He's so smart!!

So I started reading Jenny Mcarthy's Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and let me tell you it's hilarious! I find myself on the couch cracking up thinking..."yup! That's exactly how it is". Every pregnant woman that needs a break from the "don't eat this or do that" should read this light hearted...yet

This morning I put on my new yellow maternity shirt that I love so much....I looked like Big Bird! Brent thought it looked nice...yeah for a big yellow bird. So I changed. Twice. It's hard trying to wear your normal clothes for as long as you possibly can and then realize that shirt is a lot shorter on you now than it usually is. I mean my stomach now sticks out farther than my boobs. This is something I vowed never to come to. Granted there's a baby in there...yeah I know.

Belly Shot for the week:I'll be sure to post the little something we want to do to tell everyone the gender. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

16 Weeks

Ok shame on me for being so lame at keeping up on my blogs. So it's been since week 9 and a lot has happened in those 7 weeks! We had our first doctor appt at the end of week 10. We were greeted with a cute little bag in our room full of samples, formula, breast milk ice packs and a magazine about baby talk. What a way to help you transition into this time. They did the normal testing, drawing my blood, etc. My doctor pulled out this ancient radio to listen to the heart beat which was the one thing we were most excited about. So we wait while she searches for the heart beat...and we wait....and still nothing. So Im getting nervous, Brent is totally quiet. It was a weird moment. Then the dr says she has been having trouble with her little machine...well yeah it's ancient!! So we got the opportunity to have an ultrasound done to see the baby's heartbeat. Dr said the baby was sitting way back on my tailbone which is one reason she couldnt find it on the radio. So there we are, experiencing the heartbeat for the first time. It was so cool. Even though the baby looked like a kidney bean, to see the whole thing beating was quite an excitement!

A few days later, I become quite familiar with the wonders of morning sickness. It went on for almost 2 weeks when I finally called the doctor. She gave me an RX to Phenergan which has been my favorite thing ever during this pregnancy. Since I have taken it, I have not gotten sick....although it puts me to sleep about 8pm. I decided this is a must for any future pregnancies. I can finally eat normally and get on with my day without worrying too much about getting sick. I stopped taking the pills for 2 days and I got sick both days so back on the pills I went. The dr said it's totally safe for the baby so I was good to go.

Here's my belly shot at week 13:

I bought the belly band during my 13th week. My favorite jeans were no longer buttoning with ease and the maternity clothes were still too big. That band is the greatest invention! I thought it would be so weird to walk around with my pants unbuttoned but so far, every pair of pants I wear with it stay up just fine. It's amazing! I definately recommend to any pregnant woman. Right now I'm in the super awkward looking chub phase where none of pants fit and my shirts make me look like I had a nice giant cheeseburger for lunch! I am hoping my belly will just pop here soon so I can look pregnant and not super overweight.

Week 16:

This week we are moving into a 3 bedroom house. Still But we are lucky to be able to live in a nice neighborhood and greatful a nice place became available for us. I will do my best to update more than once every 7 weeks. Till next time!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

9 Weeks

Ahhh week 9. How sweet of you to come....and then go! It was a rough week for me. I was at the tail end of a cold and all I wanted was to eat steak and potatos! That so hard to ask? My lovely husband got into the habit of bringing me Jamba Juice a few times during the week. Also, my lovely husband has been officially been put on "clean out fridge" duty. I could get used to that! I attempted to clean out old pineapple and ended up flushing it down the sink with my already eaten Apple Jacks. yuck! Seems like it was an every other day event. I learned quickly that maybe Apple Jacks arent for me....right now...

I courageously and fearfully weighed myself this week...and I LOST 5 pounds! Now how come when I TRY to lose weight I just sit between 1 and 2 pounds but when I crave the steak and cheeseburgers I lose? I know it's common to lose in your 1st trimester and I definately have been a picky eater. SO as happy as I am about that....I kinda want my baby bump to arrive already. Which leads me to this....week 9 belly shot: Not much..ehh it'll come.

So we got our first piece of baby furniture! It's been so hard not to buy yet. I'm trying to hold out until we know the gender. But we found this and it was on sale for a great we bought it and now it sits in its box in our garage.

Sorry about the tiny picture. You get the point

Anyway...until next week.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

8 Weeks...

I am already feeling like I have been pregnant for a long time...until I think about the fact that I have roughly 32 weeks left! I'm only 1/5 the way through. And people say pregnancy goes by so quickly. Well maybe it's all the changing in the first trimester that makes it feel so slow!
My belly shot for the week:

The whole food aversions thing has been hard for me. Lately my appetite has gone down a lot and when I do eat, I get full quickly....and then I'm hungry again 2 hours later. The cravings so far have been a cheeseburger about once a week, and food that is more bland than flavorful. I am having a hard time wanting to eat my usual spinach and tomato salad. I read a community blog about preggos that have the same issue with their veggies. It just doesnt sound good right now. But they say if that's the case to try and juice your veggies or buy V8 to get some veggie benefits in. So I bought V8 Fusion and a bag full of carrots to juice. I know it's not quite the same but it's helpful.

Last weekend we drove to Sacramento for a few days. The car ride was really hard for me as I was feeling nauseated most of the time and sitting still that long was almost impossible. I tried sleeping a few times but it never quite lasts as long as you want it to. My husband was kind enough to drive the entire way there and back. He's so great! While we were in town we went to the Brooks & Dunn concert. I learned quickly that this was probably not the scene for me in my first trimester. The smell of alcohol and smoke, the lights, the loud was all too overwhelming for me. As much as I enjoyed the concert and the friends with me, I think I will wait till I'm a little less sensitive to do that again.

I have adopted my first preggo cold. I tried to dodge it the best I could but it came on all of a sudden and it was too late. So I have been sleeping a lot and coughing more. I feel bad because I havent been able to muster the energy to workout this week due to this cold. I know my body needs the rest but I feel like it needs the work out more. So as soon as this cold is gone, it's back to walking the dog and working out in my living room. As for now, time to get some rest. Until next time!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

6 Weeks

My very first belly shot. Don't be fooled by the little pooch. It's not baby. It's mama!

Throughout my time in Bend, I felt pretty well, beside the tired factor. I felt like the conference center kept feeding me and feeding me. Did they want me to roll out of there looking like I had a 9 month belly? I've been dodging the morning sickness so far although I'm not going to get my hopes up too high. I still have half my 1st trimester to get through. Next week we are driving to Sacramento. I will be tested on my nausea for 9 hours on the road. Cross your fingers we make it there!

Brent wants to get me a new be exact....this: Is it just me or does this car look like a hurst? A little creepy to me...As much as I would LOVE a bigger car, I think it would be smart to keep my car for a little while longer. Like maybe perhaps after we finish buying all the start up neccessities for having a baby. I can't wait to find out the gender! I have all sorts of nursery ideas but it all depends on the gender. Some of my ideas:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Almost 6 weeks!

Well I'm 5 weeks and 5 days today and feeling pretty good. Last night Brent's sister Sara got him a Daddy Diaper Dootie kit fully equipped with everything he needs to change a diaper...including gloves, goggles and nose pinchers. See here:

Yesterday I had heartburn pretty bad from the lasagna I had at lunch. I found
Mama to Be Tea that has tea good for nausea, heartburn, 3rd trimester and peace. Pretty cool since most other tea is not good during pregnancy. I have yet to try it. I am kinda waiting till I really need it.

We're on the look-out for a good video camera. I'm not sure what that means as I've never owned a video camera. But we know we want to capture all life's moments on tape. Hopefully we can catch a great deal!

I'm off to Bend for the next 4 days to attend our company's annual conference. I am just hoping I feel great the entire time. There's nothing worse than being sick and away from home. Till next time!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We're Expecting!

Hooray! We're going to have a little baby Perry. One of the first questions people ask is "was it planned?" and to answer your question...KINDA. We both knew we wanted kids and were feeling comfortable with having a baby. However, we did not anticipate it happening so soon. But we are just as excited now as we would be a year from now.

Due Date (According to the online "
DUE DATE CALCULATOR") is DECEMBER 6Th! Those calculators remind me of those cheesy magazine quizzes to see if the guy you like...likes you back! But hey, I can't wait to have a holiday baby! I'm thinking I need to get the baby something like this for the festivities:

...OK maybe not the frosty. Perhaps this...

We told our family and friends the news over Easter weekend. And of course in the back of my mind is "Just get through this 1st trimester!" I get so paranoid about things so by nature, I'm terrified of losing the baby. I know it's all in God's hands and I am doing what I can to eat healthy, drink lots of water, walk more and try and sleep through the night...which has been unsuccessful in the sleep dept.

It's unreal..feeling pregnant right now. I can't wait till I can see the baby on the monitors and feel the baby moving around! What a little bundle of joy this baby will be.